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Image by Tayla Kohler

Starting a business in Netherlands can be a lengthy process with all the laws, regulations and rules, but also with all the possibilities and opportunities. It may be hard, but it’s rewarding as Netherlands offer a huge amount of support for all business whether it’s with legal issues, monetary support, consulting, etc. With places like “Area 071” in Leiden for example, you will have everything and everyone you need to support you and your newly started business, but on top of that, Dutch Tax and Customs Associations as well as Commercial Register are willing to help and they are stated in every province in the Netherlands.


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The Netherlands

Image by Lucas Davies
Laws and Regulations: Quote

When it comes to starting a business in UK, due to more laws, rules and regulations and all the countries that make up the UK (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales), the process is more complicated but there’s always support, help, and compromise for anyone needing or seeking it. It may be a tedious task, but with the right mindset anything can be achieved. Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs is the main legal entity that everything has to go through before a business can be started, but since they are the main body, they will do everything in their power to help you solve any issues blocking your path to success, just like a smaller legal entity called “Companies House”.


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United Kingdom

The Netherlands
The UK
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